Insurance and Permit to Travel to Mexico by car | Auto

Auto insurance and a permit to travel to Mexico

Mexico is an exciting country and with a culture that makes you want to know all its beauties. All this makes this beautiful country an attractive place for you to want to travel there. And if you need to travel in your own car, you will need auto insurance and a permit to travel to Mexico.

Travel Insurance “Seguro de Viajero”

This type of policy will be recognized in Mexico. Aseguranza de Auto can provide this policy for you. Includes liability (protección a terceros) and many options you can add to it. You can get a quote here.

But what if you want to travel to Mexico in your own car? Will you be covered for your car trip? Well, these questions are important to know, and even more important will be to know the answers. We will indicate and advise you so that you have everything you need to travel to Mexico by car. And thus enjoy your trip without any problem. With the proper auto insurance and permit to travel to Mexico.

Although most policies do not cover accidents that occur while driving in Mexico, at Aseguranza de Auto We care about your well-being and that of your family, so that you have the permission, the insurance, and make your trip to Mexico much more interesting, without any kind of mishap.

Mexico requires that each car that operates in its territory, has auto insurance and permission to travel to Mexico. Since going without insurance can incur costly fines that would make your trip an unpleasant experience.

Why, if I am going to drive to Mexico, am I not covered by any insurance policy?

Mexico does not recognize the Liability Policies of the United States. Some insurance companies may offer endorsements for short trips to Mexico, but the coverage may not meet Mexican legal requirements. So, if you are going to travel to Mexico by American car, you must purchase a Mexican Civil Liability Insurance Policy. Some agents sell them, but if this is a problem for you, don’t worry, for us your insurance and well-being is essential, remember that at Aseguranza de Auto we can help you find everything that Mexican Laws require, from Auto Insurance and Permit to travel to Mexico , without any inconveniences.

We are leaders in auto insurance 

If you are looking for all the official requirements and permits to enjoy Mexico safely and at a low cost, you have come to the right place. Make your experience in Mexico a new and exciting opportunity.

With us, you will be able to get the Insurance Policy that suits your car, your well-being, and that of your family. Get your Auto Insurance to travel to Mexico by American car with all the official Permits .

Is there any kind of additional procedure if I want to travel to Mexico by American Car?

Because Mexico implements stricter laws each year for drivers without auto insurance, you must strictly have a permit. In the Consulates of Mexico in the United States, only Mexican Legal Residents Abroad, as well as tourists and diplomats can process their permission to travel to Mexico by car. While in the border modules they will be able to do so also foreigners or tourists.

Only with your permit and without forgetting that you must have auto insurance and permit to travel to Mexico , it will allow you and yours to make the trip to Mexico without no type of additional procedure.

Auto Insurance has provided auto insurance policies to travel to Mexico for 15 years, doing all our team, fully qualified creditors, a great team always available to solve any doubts and problems you may have.

Insurance to travel to Mexico by American Auto Insurance Car

Our auto insurance policies offer you the following benefits:

Auto Liability Insurance to travel to Mexico

  • Combined Third Party Liability Limits.
  • Medical Expenses.
  • Roadside Assistance and Legal Assistance.
  • Collision Coverage (with deductible of 2% of the value of the car).
  • Comprehensive Coverage (with deductible of 5% of the value of the car).

The provision of the permit 

You need to know everything about auto insurance and permission to travel to Mexico by car. Likewise, said permission contains the following clauses.

  • If you are American, Canadian or permanent resident in the United States and Canada, and you intend to enter Mexico for tourism, transit (transmigration), or business purposes and require auto insurance and permit to travel to Mexico by car. With the temporary importation of the car, you must obtain an Electronic Pre-Authorization on the website of the National Migration Institute. Processing the permit online or in a Consular Module.
  • The car permit will be granted for the same days authorized in the Pre-Authorization. Additionally, when you enter Mexican territory, you must appear before the immigration authorities. This in order to change the Pre-Authorization for the definitive immigration form that allows entry to Mexico.
  • The Electronic Pre-Authorization may be used within the following 30 calendar days from its issuance. It is to complete the temporary importation of cars.
  • This Electronic Pre-Authorization is valid only once for the purpose of processing the temporary importation of your car.

If you already have everything ready to go to know Mexico, here you already have all the interesting information you need. Don’t think twice, Get to know Mexico! And remember that with us, here at Car Insurance we will provide you with your Auto Insurance and Permit to travel to Mexico by American Car right now.

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Posted ByItzel DominguezOnOctober 6,2020

Itzel Dominguez

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